PixelReality's Personal Page!

About Me!

Hi! I'm PixelReality.

I'm making this website because I personally believe that people should be able to express themselves beyond social media websites, algorithmic feeds, and divisive misinformation. This applied both to the media people make, and how people recieve and enjoy media they choose. Here's some things I like to do:

  • Play retro first person shooters (Quake/GoldSrc engine titles are a personal favourite)
  • Think about cool game design concepts (that are probably infeasable for a solo dev to even attempt)
  • Awkwardly attempt to fiddle with game engine code to try and create games (and get nowhere)
  • Spend way too much time on social media despite my statement above (no, you can't see it!)
  • Cook things that taste nice (or feel too tired and heat up something frozen)
  • Paint things digitally and physically.

Yeah, this site is a lot of boilerplate, I know! Hopefully I can post more online someday!

Thanks to Sadgrl and her resources that gave me the knowledge to create these websites, Neocities for hosting, and other cool people online for sharing things they love!